FIND US AT https://palaccilab.pages.ist.ac.at/!
but ISTA has been hacked so this remains momentarily the best place to read about our work… 🙂 (publications updated 11/22)
Our research is focused on the non-equilibrium self-assembly of micron size “colloidal” building blocks, which consume energy.  It is experiment and curiosity-driven and explores Soft Matter with an active twist: How can one change the behavior of microparticles by powering them? It is basically the translation to soft matter of the condensed matter “pump-probes” experiments. We use active particles (in place of lasers) to “poke” a system and study its response or steer its behavior.
Soft Matter Physics,  Active Colloids, Self-Organization, Non-equilibrium, Experimental Physics
Our work is supported by grants from NSF, DoE and ARO and funds from the Regents of the University of California.