Winter’20: Soft Matter and Biophysics
Lecture Slides
HW3 – by Suckjoon
Papers For Final Presentations

Winter’20: Soft Matter and Biophysics.
Fall’19: PHY140A, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics.
Spring’19: PHYS173, Advanced soft matter and biophysics lab.
Fall’18: PHY140A, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics.
Spring’18: PHYS173, Advanced soft matter and biophysics lab.
Fall’ 17: PHYS140A, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics.
Spring’ 17: PHYS173, Advanced soft matter and biophysics lab.
Fall’16: PHYS2C
Spring’ 16: PHYS173
Spring’ 15: PHYS173


Lab Manuals
Optics Lab– Basics (by Phil Tsai)
Electronics –Op Amp Basics
Matlab Tutorial — Traction Force Microscopy (based on Style et al, Soft Matter 2014)
Electronics — Filtering Basics

Bacterial Growth for Physicist by Jerome Ng Wong